Reduce Your Daily Waste Contribution With 3 Easy Steps
Though almost 200 tons of waste are generated each hour, most of us don’t pay attention to how much we contribute. It has become so easy, too. Some of the things that we use and discard daily that add to landfills are as follows:
Plastic bottles
Disposable cups and containers
Plastic bags
Disposable razors
This is a short list. However, the amount of waste produced from these items alone is too large. We must actively work on reducing how much waste we contribute before it’s too late. To help with that, we have compiled 3 simple waste reduction strategies that you can start using immediately.
Waste Reduction Strategies
We will be giving these strategies in steps format. However, keep in mind that you don’t have to follow them in the order we have listed them. What is important is that you follow them. These steps are divided into the 3 categories you will be focusing on to reduce waste:
Step 1: Groceries
When shopping for groceries, plan your meals out for the week that you’re shopping for, down to the amount of each ingredient you will need. Except for things that won’t spoil, you should buy the other ingredients as close to the amount you need it as possible. This reduces waste from spoiled ingredients.
When you’re ready to go to the grocery store, bring a cloth bag in which you can fit all your groceries. This way, you won’t be coming home with a bunch of plastic bags that you will be getting rid of soon after you get home.
For items such as hand soap, shampoo, conditioner, and soap, try your best to buy them in bulk. They tend to be cheaper when you buy in bulk and come in fewer containers overall compared to buying a little at a time.
Step 2: Food
Who doesn’t love going out to eat? When you are done dining at a restaurant, you might end up with some leftovers. If you’re not going to eat it later, you can pack it away and give it to someone that needs it. You can do this for leftovers at your home, too. You can donate food, especially on holidays, such as Thanksgiving, when you have a lot of leftovers. This is one of the waste reduction strategies that not only reduce the amount of waste you generate but also help people in need.
Step 3: Decorations
There are a lot of holidays in a year that we celebrate. New Year's, Easter, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are a few of these holidays. A lot of us decorate our homes for these occasions. Instead of buying new decorations every year, try to buy ones that you can reuse. When most people in the world start doing this, the waste generated during holidays will decrease drastically.