Internship Program
Welcome to our internship information source! As a B Corp, one of our priorities is educating the next generation of thought leaders. Through remote and hybrid internship opportunities we find ways to engage students all over the country!
Are you interested in being a part of Ecolink’s next intern class? Then look no further, here you will find all the information you need to apply!

Ecolink Remote Intern Class (Spring 2024):
For Spring 2024, we are seeking creative copywriters and STEM students to participate in our SEO Copywriting internship. With your technical writing/scientific knowledge you will:
Update and Generate New Website Content
Explore New Social Media Platforms
Research New Products
SEO for Digital Marketing
Online socials and working sessions.
Connect with Ecolink team members and consultants.
Must have access to the internet and a reliable personal computer.
Must be able to commit a minimum of 10 hours per week for Spring remote internship.
Must be between the ages of 18-22 and pursuing an undergraduate degree.
Can be located anywhere in the United States of America
Ecolink Hybrid Intern Class (Summer 2024):
For Summer 2024, we are seeking creative copywriters and STEM students to participate in our SEO Copywriting/Digital Marketing internship. With your technical writing/scientific knowledge you will:
Update and Generate New Website Content
Explore New Social Media Platforms
Research New Products
SEO for Digital Marketing
Participate in in-person working sessions when necessary.
Meet-up for intern social events and B Corp service opportunities.
Connect with Ecolink team members and consultants.
Must have access to the internet and a reliable personal computer.
Must be able to commit a minimum of 15 hours per week for Summer remote internship.
Must be between the ages of 18-22 and pursuing an undergraduate degree.
MUST be located within 2-hour radius of St. Louis, Missouri.
We offer paid positions, but if a student is seeking college credit, we can accommodate those college/university requirements as well.
The time of year the internship takes place determines how many hours you will spend. Typically, Summer interns will work upwards of 37-40 hours per week depending upon workload; Spring interns in comparison normally work 10-15 based on individual schedules. If you cannot commit at least 10 hours per week to this internship, it may not be the best fit for you.
Possibly, this would only be the case for initial tax forms and NDA’s if you don’t have or don’t want to create an e-signature. All other work will be delivered digitally.
If you participate in the summer session, yes, there will be in-person opportunities. Our remote session will have online events, just nothing in person.
At Ecolink, we understand life happens, and that there are external factors that need to be incorporated into your internship. We will work with you around other job schedules, vacations or any other events that come up to make sure you can complete other tasks along with your internship assignments. We will help you make it work!